Open Source

The EiTV Middleware implementation used in EiTV Developer Box and EiTV smartBox have as a basis for the implementation of support to declarative paradigm Ginga-NCL, the open source code developed by PUC-Rio and available for download in Brazilian Public Software Portal (

In the EiTV Middleware implementation, the Ginga-NCL open source code developed by PUC-Rio was transformed into a separate executable program, invoked through a command of the Linux operating system. The other modules of the middleware are independent programs and libraries that use separate address spaces of memory.

The program execution of Ginga-NCL applications of the EiTV Middleware implementation, by being based on open source implementation developed by PUC-Rio, also adopts the free GPLv2 license.

Thus, if you are interested in having access to the open source implementation of Ginga-NCL applications of the EiTV Middleware implementation program, fill out the form below with your email and click Send.
